domenica 29 settembre 2019

How to base miniatures: my (easy) way

Usually, I utilize alwais the same way to base my miniatures. The results is often very good and someone ask to me how to base miniature in the same way. 
So, here you find my step by step way. It's surely easy, fast and effective. 

1 - At first, I stick on the miniature base some pieces of bark with cyanoacrylate glue. I love particulary cork, 'cause is very easy to model. 

2 - After this step I fill every other surface part of the base with wood glue. At thia point usually I add also other materials that I would to include in the base - skulls, wreckage, eccetera.

3 - At this point I cover all the surface with fine sand, and I let all the base dry for few hours.

4 - When the glue is totally dried, I paint the base with matt black spray. 

5 - After 1 hour I start to paint the base drybrushing them with a dark grey.

6 - So I add a second layer of paint, drybrushing part of the base with a paler grey.

 7 - The last layer of paint is white, drybrushed in a smallest area than pale grey. 

Here tre different bases at this stage: 

8 - At least I add many kind of static grass and/or lichens. I change the colours of this elements based on the miniature that will be glued on the base. 

And that's all. This is how I base my miniatures. I hope this could be useful for someone. Cheers!